9 July 2019

A staff summer party can be a tax-free benefit!

Your organisation may have an annual Christmas party for staff, but the tax rules also allow staff parties at other times of the year which are a tax-free benefit if certain conditions are satisfied.

Are you maximising your benefits?

How it works

The exemption applies to an annual party (for example, a Christmas party), or similar annual function (for example, a summer barbecue), provided for employees and is available to all employees or available to all employees at that location, where the employer has more than one location. 

If the employer provides two or more annual parties or functions, no tax charge arises in respect of the party, or parties, for which cost(s) per head do not exceed £150 in aggregate.

For each function the cost per head should be calculated. The cost per head of subsequent functions should be added. If the total cost per head goes over £150 then whichever functions best utilise the £150 are exempt, the other is taxable.

We can help you with your tax planning...

Our team of tax experts can help you maximise your tax efficiency. Contact us today on 0115 964 8888 or email enquiries@rwbca.co.uk.

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